Besplatne online edukacije

Na internetu se sada stvarno može naći puno kvalitetnih edukacija. Objavite ovdje ako nađete neku edukaciju. I ne zaboravite glasati za najbolju edukaciju lajkanjem posta!

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Na Courseri je trenutno aktivan tečaj The Governance of Nonprofit Organizations by State University of New York.

This course examines the governance of nonprofit organizations through the lens of a board of directors. You will explore what boards and the leadership volunteers who serve on them do and how they do it to maximize contributions to organizational effectiveness. Keywords: Nonprofits, Nonprofit Sector; Voluntary Sector; Leadership, Management, Governance Process, Boards, Boards of Directors, Performance

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Još jedan tečaj na Courseri - Introduction to Public Speaking by University of Washington.

A report from the National Association of Colleges and Employers shows that employers want job candidates with strong communication skills. Similarly, educational success also requires the ability to articulate your thoughts clearly. In this class, we will study the principles of public speaking; critically examine our own and others’ speeches through interactive practice.

Unlike many oral communication courses and textbooks, this class spends a fair bit of time working through the unique traits of oral versus written communication in order to help students prepare speeches that are easier to deliver orally and understand aurally. The class’s focus on understanding the key parts of an argument and drafting clear and concise arguments translates directly to other academic assignments. In service of this goal, we will study the principles of argumentation and arrangement; critically examine our own speeches and the speeches of others. By becoming a student of public speaking, you join a long history of rhetorical study dating back to ancient Greece.

Nekoliko novih besplatnih tečajeva dostupnih za zainteresirane na Stanford University Online.

Tečaj o računalnoj kriptografiji - Cryptography I traje od 20. travnja 2015 do 31. svibnja 2015.

Protect information in computer systems by understanding the security of cryptographic constructions and applying this knowledge in the real world. (Free.)

U proljeće 2015 je planiran tečaj Introduction to Computer Networking:

Learn the principles of designing networks and network protocols. Gain experience reading and understanding RFCs (Internet protocol specifications) as statements of what a system should do. The concepts covered in this course are grounded in current practice and recent developments, such as net neutrality and DNS security. (Free.)

Prijave za self-paced tečaj Machine Learning su otvorene:

Machine learning is the science of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed. Study the most effective machine learning techniques and gain practice implementing them. Topics include supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and best practices in machine learning. (Free.)

Još jedan self-paced tečaj Stanforda je Databases:

Databases are incredibly prevalent – they underlie technology used by most people every day if not every hour. Databases reside behind a huge fraction of websites; they’re a crucial component of telecommunications systems, banking systems, video games, and just about any other software system or electronic device that maintains some amount of persistent information. In addition to persistence, database systems provide a number of other properties that make them exceptionally useful and convenient: reliability, efficiency, scalability, concurrency control, data abstractions, and high-level query languages. Databases are so ubiquitous and important that computer science graduates frequently cite their database class as the one most useful to them in their industry or graduate-school careers.

OGP Webinar Invitation:

Open Governance and Privacy in a Post-Snowden World

Thursday, September 10th at 10:00 AM (EST/WDC)

Language: English

REGISTER for this webinar: HERE


  • Carly Nyst, Independent consultant and former Legal Director of Privacy International
  • Javier Ruiz, Policy Director, Open Rights Group

Sponsored by the OGP Support Unit, the Open Government Guide, and the World Bank

The right to privacy, recognized as a human right and enabler of other individual freedoms, is regarded as pivotal to protect the privacy of citizens from infringement on behalf of their governments or a third party. Citizens have the right to choose whether to disclose and share their personal data and must be able to dictate under what terms to do so. With new technologies enabling personal data to be collected, stored and shared in greater quantities and ease as never before, privacy and data protections rights are of utmost relevance to open government efforts. Governments must be transparent about the handling of citizens’ personal data, and citizens must have the ability to hold their government accountable in the handling of such.

Further, with more than 100 countries having enabled access to information legislations, it is important to balance the right to privacy and right to information so that privacy is not used as an excuse to prevent openness, and that the approach to openness does not infringe into the privacy of individuals – both rights must be balanced in a case-by-case basis.

During this webinar, the authors of the Privacy and Data Protection chapter of the Open Government Guide -Carly Nyst and Javier Ruiz- will provide an overview of the chapter and discuss some of the commitments included in it. The Open Gov Guide was developed by the Transparency and Accountability Initiative to serve as tool for governments and civil society at the time of jointly developing and implementing their OGP National Action Plans. It covers various cross-cutting topics developed by expert organizations, and is currently available in English and Spanish.


  • Carly Nyst
    Carly is an independent consultant and former Legal Director of Privacy International, a London-based NGO dedicated to fighting unlawful surveillance and promoting the right to privacy around the world. In addition to directing PI’s strategic litigation programme, Carly leads advocacy in United Nations human rights mechanisms, and this year successfully coordinated a campaign for the establishment of a new Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy. Carly is a member of the Amnesty International Advisory Council on Technology and Human Rights, and the UN Global Pulse Data Privacy Advisory Group.

  • Javier Ruiz
    Javier leads on policy at the UK based Open Rights Group. His recent work has covered open data privacy, state surveillance and copyright reforms. Previously he worked as campaigner and organiser, and spent several years building citizen media platforms and supporting the digital activities of social movements in Europe and Latin America. His other interests include open hardware and bilingual education.

This session’s recording will be available on the OGP website, as well as in the World Bank’s E-Institute portal where you can also find the recordings of all the other OGP Webinars.

To JOIN the session on Thursday September 10, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. EST, please go HERE and login 5 minutes before the webinar is scheduled to start.

Please excuse cross-postings, but/and please share.

We at Delft University of Technology will be teaching a free Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) about Open Government soon. The MOOC starts on March 14, 2016, and will run for 5 weeks. Enrolment for our MOOC is possible now via An informative video about the MOOC is available at - YouTube.

Free OpenStack Webinar

OpenStack is one of the fastest-growing open source technologies around. It’s used by companies like Disney, Sony, Wells Fargo, and eBay to run and manage their cloud infrastructure, and more and more companies are jumping on board. But what is OpenStack? Is it something you should care about?

To answer these and other questions, join us for a free webinar on Thursday, February 25th at 11:00 a.m. PST that addresses the most common OpenStack questions and concerns:

  • History & growth of OpenStack: Where’s it been and where is it going?
  • What are the problems that OpenStack solves?
  • How do I get started?
  • What are the hurdles?
  • What are the sore points?
  • And more!

Register now to save your spot!

Link za registraciju

Možda je ovo zanimljivo novinarima/data entuzijastima: Dataharvest grants for Eastern, Central and Southeastern Europe - Dataharvest

Prijave su još otvorene i predstoje još dva mjeseca konferencije!

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CROSSDA webinari

Hrvatski arhiv podataka za društvene znanosti (CROSSDA) - nacionalni javni servis za istraživačke podatke u društvenim znanostima. Osnovna zadaća ovog servisa je uspostavljanje i razvoj istraživačke infrastrukture koja omogućuje dugoročno očuvanje podataka i smanjuje prepreke ponovnom korištenju podataka. Osnovne informacije o arhivu CROSSDA nalaze se na web stranicama

Pažljivo i odgovorno upravljanje podacima i ostalim istraživačkim materijalima olakšava ponovnu uporabu tih podataka i materijala. Česta prepreka pri analizi podataka je nedostupnost skupih komercijalnih programa za statističke analize, što se može prebroditi korištenjem softvera otvorenog koda. Stoga smo za vas priredili dva webinara o organiziranju podataka i jedan webinar o analiziranju podataka uz pomoć softvera otvorenog koda. Webinare ćemo održati prema sljedećem rasporedu:

3.12.2020. / 10:00 - 11:00

  • Kako organizirati podatke u istraživačkom projektu? / Denis Vlašiček

3.12.2020. / 11:00 - 12:00

  • Rad s tabličnim podacima / Denis Vlašiček

4.12.2020. / 11:00 - 12:00

  • Demonstracija softvera jamovi za statističke analize / Vedran Halamić

Na kraju svakog izlaganja predviđeno je dovoljno vremena za pitanja i raspravu.

Više informacija o ovim webinarima potražite na adresi:

Molimo da svoj interes za sudjelovanje prijavite putem obrasca za prijavu na adresi:

Webinari će se održati uz pomoć GoToWebinar servisa, kojem ćete moći pristupiti putem Chrome web preglednika. Poveznice za webinare poslat ćemo naknadno na e-mail adrese prijavljenih sudionika.

Prvi webinar može biti zanimljiv svim istraživačima i studentima, bez obzira na područje kojim se bave. Drugi webinar može biti koristan ako radite s podacima u tablicama, opet neovisno o području. Treći webinar je za istraživače i studente koji se bave kvantitativnim analizama podataka.