FACTI Panel Open Government - 28. travnja 2021

Dear friends,

On behalf of Access Info Europe and the United Nations High-Level Panel On International Financial Accountability, Transparency and Integrity for Achieving the 2030 Agenda (FACTI Panel), we are delighted to invite you to a briefing and discussion on the promotion of financial integrity and sustainability within open government policies.

The FACTI Panel launched its final report in February and outlined an achievable blueprint to reinforce and redesign the current architecture, mechanisms and tools underpinning financial integrity, transparency and accountability.

In Europe and beyond, the Open Government Partnership (OGP) offers a platform through which governments and civil society actors are co-creating political commitments on a broad range of areas including the fight against corruption, tax fairness and asset recovery for development.

In its systemic approach, the FACTI Panel’s analysis and recommendations are in tune with OGP values and current priorities. Synergies between OGP member countries and the FACTI Panel’s work can bring impulse to financial integrity and the financing of the Sustainable Development Goals.

While much has been achieved, the task ahead is considerable in terms of curbing illicit financial flows and redirecting funds for public investments and sustainable development. During this briefing, speakers representing both governments and civil society will present current policy developments and challenges they face in achieving financial integrity and sustainability within their countries. Furthermore, the speakers will share their perspective on the FACTI Panel recommendations and how these could be harnessed to contribute and advance issues pertaining to financial integrity and transparency.


  • Helen Darbishire, Executive Director, Access Info Europe and civil society member of the Steering Committee of the Open Government Partnership
  • Thomas Stelzer, Dean and Executive Secretary, International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) and FACTI Panel member
  • Venla Mäntysalo, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Justice, Finland
  • Izadora Zubek, International Affairs Officer of Agence Française Anticorruption, France
  • Inese Kušķe, Department for Public Administration Policy, State Chancellery, Latvia
  • John Devitt, Chief Executive, Transparency International Ireland

Please register here.

Please feel free to share this invitation within your organization and across your network.

Best regards,

Paula Domínguez
Communications Officer | Access Info Europe

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