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#Što je u našoj pitkoj vodi?
Uz pomoć Google Translate, možete pogledati ovaj agregator podatka o pitkoj vodi. Team Trinkwasser (“pitka voda”), kaže da su podaci o pitkoj vodi u Njemačkoj vrlo lako dostupni, ali podaci su nerazumljivi. Na primjer, znate li što znači “stupanj tvrdoće 9”? Uz pomoć lokalnih novina, Heilbronner Stimme, OK Labs razvio je jedinstvenu stranicu za prijevod lokalnih informacija o pitkoj vode za građane. Vanessa Wormer, novinar na projektu, kaže da oni otvaraju bazu podataka i lokalnim vlastima kako bi mogli izravno ažurirati podatke.
Stranica je zamišljena kao “statična” stranica, bez backend baze podataka.
Podaci su dostupni u CSV ili TXT formatu konverzija se vrši s JavaScript.
Github: opendata-heilbronn/trinkwasser
Drinking water is considered the best controlled in Germany. And yet we know very little about the water that comes out of our taps.
Some municipalities publish the findings of the drinking water at least on their websites, with some only the degree of hardness is called. But even if the numbers are published, they are on the websites of the often poor communities to find and stay for the citizens an abstract concept. What does a hardness of 9? 200 milligrams of calcium per liter lot or a little? How rich in minerals is our tap water is what will happen if we can compare from trading with each other and with water.
Code for Hampton Roads (Code4HR) grupa je civilnih hakera u gradu Hampton Roads koji su kreirali API i responzivnu mobilnu stranicu za javni gradski prijevoz u realnom vremenu.
Koristili su dva seta podataka koje su dobili od tvrtke Hampton Roads Transit:
- GTFS, planirani vozni red koji koristi Google da prikaze stanice i vozni red na Google Maps (Transit layer)
- FTP dump u csv formatu sa zadnjom poznatom pozicijom svakog vozila
Dva su dijela potrebna za osiguranje svih potrebnih informacija za krajnje korisnike:
- REST API, sto je backend aplikaicja koja obtadjuje podatke iz oba izvora GTFS i FTP te odlucuje koji su podaci najpouzdaniji za prikazivanje kroz API sucelje
- Finder, to je responzivna mobila aplikacija kojoj moze pristupiti bilo koji uredjaj s pristupom na internet (desktop, tablet, mobitel), iako je prvenstveno namjenjena za koristenje na mobitelu.
The HRT Bus Finder is the front end / proof-of-concept to the hrt-bus-api. The live demo can be found here: http://hrtb.us.
The front end is developed using the following:
- BackboneJS
also requires jQuery and UnderscoreJS- Twitter Bootstrap
- and the Google Maps Api
About the API
The hrt-bus-api is a mash-up of two sources provided by Hampton Roads Transport (HRT). Their bus scheduling information, which is published to General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) and their in-transit routing information which is provided via an alternate source. These two sets of data are pulled into the API and processed, allowing en-route bus tracking.
HRT Bus API publishes real time bus data from Hampton Roads Transit through an application programming interface for developers to make apps from it.
HRT Bus API consists of Python scripts and a Flask app that transform, store, and expose HRT Bus data through a RESTful API. API’s don’t make for good demos, so we’ve created an HRT Bus Finder App.
Try It
Web App: hrtb.us
REST Api: api.hrtb.us/api
HRT exposes the real time location of their buses at Unfortunately, this file gives us less than five minutes of data and most of the entries don’t have a route number associated with them. Riders lookup bus information by route number, so without it, the data isn’t very useful.
Github: hrt-bus-api i hrt-bus-finder