Open Data Youth Camp - Open Youth Academy

Opis projekta

Open Data Youth Camp je kamp za mlade s naglaskom na upotrebu i ponovno korištenje javnih informacija koje pruža Savjet inicijative Partnerstvo za otvorenu vlast (Open Government Partnership - OGP) u Hrvatskoj.

OGP je pokrenut 2011. kao jedinstvena organizacija vlasti i civilnih organizacija kako bi se radilo na tome da vlast postane otvorenija, transparentnija, odgovornija i otvorenija za javnost. Organizaciju je osnovalo 8 država, a danas ona uključuje 65 zemalja.

Republika Hrvatska postala je članicom OGP u 2011. godini te je time preuzela odgovornost za razvoj i provedbu Akcijskog plana koji uključuje niz mjera i aktivnosti u području transparentnosti i otvorenosti vlasti. Nakon uspjeha u provedbi OGP, Hrvatska je postala članica Upravnog odbora OGP u 2014. godini.

Open Data Youth Camp 2015

Open Data Youth Camp održat će se od 29. kolovoza do 2. rujna 2015. godine, a cilj kampa je osigurati prostor za mlade aktivne građane u istraživanju potencijala javnih podataka, za učenje i diskusiju o vrijednostima otvorene vlasti te kako bi se upoznali s teorijom i praksama pravilnog pristupa informacijama. Kandidati moraju biti stari minimalno 15 godina, a maksimalno 25 godina. Trebali bi biti zainteresirani te imati ideje o korištenju i ponovnom korištenju javnih informacija.

Project description

Open Data Boot Camp is a youth camp focusing on use and reuse of public sector information organized by the Council for the Open Government Partnership (OGP) in Croatia.

OGP was launched in 2011 as a unique organization of governments and civil society organizations committed to making governments more open, transparent, accountable, and responsive to citizens. Eight countries founded OGP in 2011 and now it has a membership of 65 countries and has recently marked the publishing of the 100th OGP Action Plan.

The Republic of Croatia became a member of the OGP in 2011, and has thus assumed the responsibility of developing and implementing the Action Plan which includes a number of measures and activities in the area of transparency and openness of government. The Republic of Croatia, following the international recognition of its success and ambition in implementing OGP, became a member of the OGP Steering Committee in August 2014.

Open Data Youth Camp 2015

The Open Data Boot Camp will take place from 29th of August to 2nd of September 2015. The goal of the camp is to provide a space for young active citizens to explore the potential of open data, to learn and discuss open government values and to become familiarized with the theory and the practices of the right to access information. The potentials of the use and reuse of public sector information will be explored through examples of the similar activities carried out in France, United Kingdom, and the United States as well as through examining the progress Croatia made by launching the Open Data Portal. Experts from Croatia, France, UK and USA will come together in creating a four day program of lectures and workshops in order to assist the participants in finding new solutions for commercial use of dataas well as for using and reusing data for the benefit of the local community.

Open Youth Academy 2016

Using Data for Sustainable Local Development

28​th August to 3​rd ​September 2016

Open Youth Academy is a youth summer education program organised by a civil society organisation Code for Croatia and the Information Commissioner and focusing on use and reuse of public sector information. Following a successful summer camp in 2015 this year the focus will be on local government data, sustainable development goals and joint projects in the region.

Building on the successful practice of the Republic of Croatia in the field of transparency, open data and Open Government this year we turn our attention to building bridges among not just the youth but also local government in the region. The Academy will take place from 28th August to 3rd September in Pula. The goal of the Academy is to bring together a group of young, ambitious, enthusiastic young people and to provide them with tools and knowledge as well as an opportunity to network and brainstorm on projects in the field of using open data for public good and commercial use. Being aware of the need to raise IT skills among youth, and especially young women we will have a detailed online application reviewed by our board of experts in order to choose the best candidates.

Experts from Croatia and other countries will come together in creating a six day program of lectures and workshops in order to assist the participants in finding new solutions for commercial use of data as well as for using and reusing data for the benefit of the local community. Candidates that are at least 15 and at most 30 years of age, with an interest and ideas about the use and reuse of public sector information, can apply for participation in the Open Data Youth Camp. Up to 30 candidates will be selected for participation, based on the ideas presented in the application form and while keeping in mind the need to respect regional and gender balance.

OYA logo

During the Academy we look for new and creative opportunities to involve youth in the democratic procedure by using IT technology to which they respond the best, to ensure sustainability of democratic change by involving youth, to understand what are the priorities of youth for 21st century democracy locally, nationally, on the EU level and globally, to provide them with tools to advocate and implement their ideas and requests. We are focusing on sustainable development goals where they matter the most – locally and through the new generations.

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Stranica za korisnike:
Stranica za programere: GitHub - codeforcroatia/open-youth-academy: Landing page for Open Data Youth Camp/Academy an OGP event

Arhivirana projektna stranica an Wayback Machine za 2015. te 2016. godinu.