Prilika za financiranje projekata

Ovdje objavite sve prilike za financiranje civilnih projekata.

Knight Foundation je objavio Knight News Challange poziv za prijedlog projekta na temu informiranja i uključivanja građana u izborne procese i za to su namjenili 3 milijuna USD. Nije ograničeno samo na US što znači da se i HR projekti mogu natjecati.

So how might we better inform voters and increase civic participation before, during and after elections? From Feb. 25 to March 19, we invite you to submit your idea to win a share of $3 million, which we’ll award in June 2015. After the challenge closes, participants will have the opportunity to refine their submissions and we will review every entry we receive, with the help of a team of outside advisers. We also encourage you to share your reactions to the ideas you see here on

Detaljnije na Knight Foundation

Steven Clift će ovaj tjedan održati Q&A Google Hangout s Knight Foundation:

For everyone who would like to just watch the Hangout Q and A, please RSVP here:

To fully RSVP so that I can invite you into the Hangout video stage on Thursday at 11 am Eastern/16:00 UTC please add/confirm your info on this Google Doc:

Call for Proposals
The OGP Access to Information Working Group is pleased to announce its Access to Information Working Group Microgrant: Demonstrating ATI Linkages to OGP Progress Call for Applications.

Access to information is a fundamental right and a critical element for participation, voice and accountability. Access to information can help governments to be more effective in service delivery and allows citizens to help set priorities and monitor government action. As part of the Open Government Partnership (OGP), countries have developed national actions plans which include a series of commitments related to areas such as improved service delivery, fiscal transparency, asset disclosure, e-government, infrastructure, improved public service etc. In some cases, the country national action plans do not include Access to Information (ATI) commitments; in other instances ATI obligations that have been made are not effectively connected to other commitments.

Grant Details
The microgrants, in the amount of US$1,500 for research papers and US$3,000 for projects, are aimed at demonstrating the importance of access to information in order for countries to fulfill their national action plans. The objective of the microgrants is to provide support for research or programming that can demonstrate and/or advance the linkages between the right of access to information and any other commitment(s) made as part of the OGP national action plan. Successful proposal(s) will identify one or more commitments in their country’s national action plan and demonstrate – through research or programming – the value that a free flow of information can play in fulfilling the particular commitment(s).

Who Should Apply?
Any organization or individual focusing research or programming on an OGP country is eligible to apply. Government agencies from OGP countries are encouraged to apply in coordination with an organization/person.

Considerations for Application
Assure that:
Your research or programming is specific to an OGP country. (You can find the list of 65 countries on the website Home - Open Government Partnership)
You review the country’s national action plan and identify the specific commitments on which you would like to focus your research or programming.
Consider ways that your research or programming demonstrates links between ATI and advancement of those specific commitments.
A researcher has decided to focus on the Dominican Republic. She has identified that the Dominican Republic is an OGP country, has reviewed its national action plan and chosen to focus on commitment 12: creation of a tool to allow citizens to participate in the creation of laws. Her proposed research plans to demonstrate the need for a more robust right of ATI in order to achieve meaningful participation, and how ATI should be incorporated into the new tool.

How to Apply
To complete the application, please visit: Access to Information Working Group Microgrant: Demonstrating ATI Linkages to OGP Progress Call for Applications
Interested parties will be prompted to provide the following information:

  • Title and type of project
  • Type of organization sponsoring/supporting the project (if applicable)
  • Main research paper author or program leader (with a link to his or her CV or LinkedIn page)
  • Brief statement of purpose – what is the purpose of the proposed research/work?
  • Executive summary (summary of the context/focus of the research/program)
  • Methodology and research design
  • Relevance and anticipated impact – why is the link that you have identified between ATI and the other commitment relevant to the work of the Open Government Partnership and what do you see as the impact of your research/project?
  • Contact information of the lead contact for the research/program

Successful applicants will specify the particular commitment(s) within the national action plan that serve as the basis for the research/programming.

Applications are due no later than May 31, 2015. The microgrant is anticipated for the period June 15, 2015 – October 15, 2015.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What language does the final product (research paper or project report) need to be in?

  • The final product needs to be in English.

  • How long should the research paper or project report be?

  • We would anticipate that a research paper would be approximately 25 pages, double-spaced. For a program report, 10-15 pages double-spaced would be appropriate.

  • For the purposes of this microgrant, what is the difference in criteria between a research paper and a project?

  • A research paper is based on gathering of evidence (primary or secondary) and through analysis making a theoretical and/or correlational link to demonstrate how access to information is a necessary element for advancing on one (or more) of the other OGP national commitments.
    Programming, on the other hand, would include some form of objective, activity and output. For example, a programming idea might include training/capacity building, or awareness raising, or making of FOI requests re: the other OGP commitment etc.

  • What is the time period for completion of the paper/project?

  • The microgrant is anticipated for the period June 15, 2015 – October 15, 2015. All deliverables are due no later than October 15.

  • Must I be from an OGP country?

  • Not necessarily, but the research or programming is restricted to within an OGP country. While the applicant may be from any country, the research and programming must be specific to an OGP country and its particular national action plan commitments.

  • Can individuals apply for this microgrant?

  • It is perfectly fine to apply as an individual. However, the research or project must be specific to an OGP country. Moreover, it must serve to demonstrate the value of access to information for advancing specific country commitment(s) made as part of the OGP national plan. You can find the national action plans on the OGP website.

Will my paper/report be published?
Yes. We will distribute your paper/report to all members through the OGP website and listserve and will also share at the bi-annual OGP Summit in Mexico, October 27 - 29, 2015

Objavljen Godišnji plan natječaja, javnih poziva i drugih programa financiranja za 2015

Sukladno zaključcima Međuresornog povjerenstva za koordinaciju politike financiranja projekata i programa udruga, Ured Vlade Republike Hrvatske za udruge objavljuje Godišnji plan natječaja, javnih poziva i drugih programa financiranja projekata i programa organizacija civilnog društva u 2015. godini iz Državnog proračuna RH i fondova Europske unije. Godišnji plan izrađen je temeljem analiza u kojima su davatelji bespovratnih sredstava identificirali potrebe u svojim resorima.

Godišnji plan natječaja sadrži popis ukupno 83 programa za dodjelu bespovratnih sredstava projektima i programima organizacija civilnoga društva koje će u 2015., u sklopu svojih nadležnosti, raspisati 18 državnih tijela. Iznosom od preko 711 milijuna kuna iz Državnog proračuna, dijela prihoda od igara na sreću i fondova EU planira se financirati i sufinancirati više od 5000 programa i projekata organizacija civilnoga društva u područjima prevencije nasilja među djecom i mladima, borbe protiv ovisnosti, socijalnih usluga, volonterstva, obrazovanja, sporta, kulture, zaštite okoliša i prirode, poljoprivrede, turizma, zaštite potrošača te drugim područjima od interesa za opće dobro.

Godišnji plan prikazuje i okvirne rokove raspisivanja i završetka natječaja, te potpisivanja ugovora, a informacije u godišnjem planu podložne su dopunama te će biti ažurirane po potrebi.

Godišnji plan natječaja preuzmite ovdje.


Open Data Incubator Europe (ODINE)

ODINE offers financial support of up to 100,000 € to European innovators to grow their open-data idea into a sustainable business. We accept project proposals from SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) working with open data from 1 May 2015 to 31 August 2016. New proposals will be assessed every two months by a panel of external reviewers and selected projects will run for up to six months.

The next deadline for the submission of proposals is August 31st, 2015.

Important documents and links

  • Guide for applicants: all you need to know about the ODINE call.
  • ODINE call announcement: a summary of the most important facts, figures, and deadlines of the ODINE call.
  • FAQs: a list of frequently asked questions, which we will continue to update in response to your feedback.
  • Templates: documents you need to submit your application to the ODINE call.
  • The short proposal (available as Google Doc)
  • The declaration of honour (available as Google Doc)
  • Submission platform
  • Apply here
  • Short tutorial on how to use Easychair.

We will send updates about ODINE and other related events periodically. You can subscribe to our newsletter at or follow us on Twitter @ODincubator.

For SMEs building a business using open data
The ODINE call targets Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) building a business around open data. SMEs are defined according to the EU Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC and the SME user guide. The funding is intended for single entities, rather than consortia of multiple entities.

Applications must have a clear focus on open data innovation. Open data is understood according to the definition by the Open Data Handbook as ‘data that can be freely used, reused and redistributed by anyone – subject only, at most, to the requirement to attribute and sharealike’.

Funds can be used in accordance to the Horizon 2020 financial guidelines. They can be spent on salaries, equipment, consumables, travels, subcontracting to other parties (e.g., for marketing or legal support), and indirect expenditure (office space, office infrastructure etc., which are calculated as 25% of the total direct costs).

The applicant must be registered with the European Commission as an SME at the time of submission.

Online proposals describing your idea, its potential impact, your team, and the required funding
Applications are made online and will consist of a short proposal presenting the idea and the budget required for its realization, as well as administrative information.

Evaluation by independent experts, shortlisted companies invited for an online interview
Each proposal will be assessed against the following criteria:


  • Strength and novelty of the idea
  • Usage and/or creation of open data


  • Value proposition and potential scale
  • Market opportunity and timing
  • Triple bottom line impact (social, environmental, economic)

Team and budget

  • Knowledge and skills of the team
  • Capacity to realise the idea
  • Appropriateness of the budget to realize the idea
  • We prioritise those who work on things that matter.

Evaluation will be divided into different stages:

  • Eligibility check. We will check the eligibility of the applicants and withdraw proposals that are invalid submissions.

  • Proposal review. Each proposal will be scored against the criteria above, and we will shortlist candidates for Stage 3.

  • Interview. A 20-minute interview (via Google hangout or similar) with a panel of two independent reviewers.

  • Negotiations. Finalise milestones and contract with ODINE.

New companies joining every two months, starting from July 2015
Proposals will be evaluated at cut-off dates every two months starting from 1 July 2015. Stages 1 to 3 will be completed within a month after a cut-off deadline and negotiations are expected to take two to four weeks. If successful, you will receive 30% of the funds upfront, with the remaining 70% dependent on hitting the agreed milestones at the end of the mini-project.

Funding opportunity!!: Knight News Challenge on Data - submissions by Sept 30

Dear All,

There is an interesting funding opportunity to projects addressing the question, “How might we make data work for individuals and communities?” If you are engaging in data-related projects, this is your chance to obtain additional funding for your work!

Knight’s blog post:

Information and submissions:

I copy here the relevant info from the link:

The Knight News Challenge on Data is now open for ideas through 5 p.m. ET Sept. 30. This News Challenge, our 14th, reflects Knight Foundation’s ongoing support for projects that use data for good to inform and empower people to make decisions about their lives, communities and democracy.

In collaboration with Data & Society and the Open Society Foundations, we are seeking projects that provide an answer to the question:

How might we make data work for individuals and communities?

Winners will receive a share of $3 million, and we’re seeking ideas from anyone—journalists, startups, civic hackers, academics, media organizations, nonprofits, governments, individuals and more. The challenge is intended to create opportunities to analyze, collect, present, interpret and share data to increase transparency, enhance privacy and security, and improve journalism and storytelling techniques.

And you can also read some more here, at OSF’s blog post:

Good luck with the applications!

Apply for Funding: Expanding Civil Society Space

##CD-UNITED Grant Program to Support Democracy Projects Around the World

The Community of Democracies invites organizations to apply for financial assistance through its CD-UNITED program, which funds projects that support and strengthen democracy in countries around the world.

During the 2016 grant cycle, co-financing awards totaling $272,000 will be given to applicants who propose ways to expand the space for civil society through projects that enhance the ability of citizens and nongovernmental organizations to participate more fully in civic life.

“Civil society is an essential part of the democratic community,” Secretary General Maria Leissner said. “We are committed to providing moral and financial support to those who are working to reduce the risk of a democratic recession.”

CD-UNITED, funded with a generous donation from the U.S. Department of State, will provide up to $80,000 in co-financing for each approved project proposal that addresses this year’s theme: Democracy in Action: Expanding Civil Society Space. Applicants are responsible for securing co-funding commitments from other donors before their proposal is submitted for consideration.

“We welcome concrete, action-oriented initiatives that focus on protecting civil society, which is one of our top priorities,” Leissner said. “CD-UNITED has already provided valuable support to local organizations engaged in educational campaigns and efforts to promote democracy and protect human rights. We look forward to having an even bigger impact this year.”

The list of eligible recipients ranges from unregistered organizations and non-profits to universities and international organizations that are working to promote human rights, freedoms and the values enshrined in the Warsaw Declaration.

The proposed activities can take place anywhere in the world.

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, through 31 December 2016. Due to the high volume of applications, interested organizations are encouraged to apply as soon as possible, before funds are exhausted.

Please visit for the CD-UNITED application form and detailed submission requirements.

Questions should be addressed to [email protected].