Recipe for health: eating good food and doing some sports

The idea came from the project leader who is finishing her master’s degree in nutrition of food technology, she considered the youth’s lack of physical fitness against their will learning to cook and doing leisure activities and came to the conclusion that youth is willing to learn and gain informal knowledge which helps them to be more patient and compassionate while being healthy and aware of the food they eat.

The project follows the motto that a healthy youth representative is also an active member of society. Knowledge transfer will play an integral role as the primary method used during the exchange. Other methods include the HAT method, role playing and Iive library. They will be based on the principal of active participation, learning through practical activities, mixed group work and interaction.

International youth exchange Recipe for health: eating good food and doing some sports is a collaboration project of youth leaders from Slovenia, Croatia, Turkey, Romania and Germany.

The participating organisations are: Društvo širjenja uporabnih znanj from Slovenia, HrOpen from Croatia, Istanbul Arel Universitesi from Turkey, Haus der offenen Tur from Germany and FUNDATIA JUDETEANA PENTRU TINERET TIMIS from Romania.

Duration: 19. – 26.02.2017.

Location: Krško, Slovenia


The main activities will include diverse physical exercises; introduction to an athlete’s day, the principals of healthy food and its preparation (making healthy deserts, smoothies, preparing raw food). An open debate of current affairs (immigration, EU, equality and democracy….), cultural evenings, viewing of the World of Energy as well as Erasmus+ and Youthpass workshops.

Goal is to bring youth together, share experience, culture and knowledge while learning about healthy life style and importance of exercise as well as it’s impact on day to day life.